...current events...

...the "great divergence"... here's a "visual guide to income inequality" as put together by SLATE.COM... when the site opens, click on the graphs to advance to the next slide (there are 10 graphs total - make sure you read the text to the left of each graph)... very interesting (and maddening!)

...oh, newt...

...newt gingrich the "flip-flopper"...?  here is what it's all about (text from article in ny times / videos from fox news and nbc)

"Gingrich attacks no fly zone after saying it should happen now..." Read full article

"...Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker, was pretty clear on March 7: President Obama should establish  a no-fly zone over Libya “this evening,” he said on Fox News. “All we have to do is suppress his air force, which we could do in minutes...”

(video from fox news - 7 march 2011)

(video from nbc - 23 march 2011)

"The abrupt change was first noted by ThinkProgress.Org, which called it a Libya flip-flop. After the charge was picked up by bloggers, Mr. Gingrich issued a clarification on his Facebook page.

By way of explanation, Mr. Gingrich said his March 7 remarks — calling for an immediate United States intervention — were based on Mr. Obama’s public declaration that “it’s time for Qaddafi to go.”

...this is a politician we want in the White House as president...?

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